пн-пт: 07:30-20:00
сб: 09:00-14:00
8 (01718) 65-6-02


пн-пт: 08:00-18:00
сб: 09:00-14:00
8 (01718) 65-8-68

Без имени-1
impressed young female doctor wearing medical robe with stethoscope points at up isolated on blue background

Новости Здравоохранения


Мар, 2017

In the New year with new talents

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New year to all from small to large is not just a holiday, and the expectation of a small miracle. Such a miracle kids medical workers gave the workers themselves. Despite the fact that the age of Santa Claus…



Мар, 2017

Young expert Day

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It has become a tradition in the warm September days to the holiday "Day of the young specialist". In 2016. great and friendly staff our hospital has added 15 graduates of Universities and medical colleges in Belarus. This year the celebration was held on 9 September. With the addressing speech of the chief physician of hospital A. A., Trachuk, chief nurse J. A. Lipa, responsible for the ideological work of…


On the eve of holidays on 23 February and 8 March in the Minsk regional clinical center «Psychiatry-narcology» CAMPAIGN starts

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Give yourself a new life Your life has become stressful, full of conflicts, scandals, and You see no way out but to drink alcohol? Seek anonymous help to the specialists of the Centre on February 21-22, and You will receive free consultations of doctors – psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists. Waiting for you from 8.00 to 17.00. More information about the Campaign You can contact: 8 017 331 90 64 029 8…



Мар, 2017


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A little more than three years ago the Chairman of the Minsk oblast Executive Committee Semyon Shapiro emphasized the managerial staff, primarily in the social sphere, the necessity for more active pace to engage in construction and repair works in an economic way. In the last century the most gospodaria experts from various industries have proven that in this way it is possible to achieve significant budget savings, build faster,…



Мар, 2017

We are open!

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With 17.02.2017 at Central regional hospital launched a new website, while we have little news, so I suggest You familiarize yourself with the structure of the website and information on it.



Мар, 2017

Детский конкурс «Медицина глазами детей»

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УВАЖАЕМЫЕ КОЛЛЕГИ! Профсоюзный комитет предлагает Вашим детям принять участие в конкурсе детского рисунка «Медицина глазами детей». К участию в конкурсе принимаются работы детей от 4-х до 14-ти  лет в формате А4, выполненные в любой технике в следующих номинациях: -«Медицина - мое призвание!» -«Мама, папа, я – медицинская семья!» -«Медицина будущего» -«Хочу быть врачом!» -«Докторов я не боюсь!» Рисунки на конкурс принимаются до 01.04.2017г.



Мар, 2017

Акция! Купи подарочный сертификат и получи подарок

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Только в марте! При покупке подарочных сертификатов Вы можете получить подарочные сертификаты на другие виды массажа. Ниже приведены виды массажа при покупке, которых Вы получите подарок:  Курс лечения сухой углекислой ванной «Реабокс» - 10 процедур.  Лечение на массажной кушетке…
