пн-пт: 07:30-20:00
сб: 09:00-14:00
8 (01718) 65-6-02


пн-пт: 08:00-18:00
сб: 09:00-14:00
8 (01718) 65-8-68

Без имени-1
impressed young female doctor wearing medical robe with stethoscope points at up isolated on blue background

Новости Здравоохранения


Мар, 2017

Седьмого апреля пройдет Всемирный день Здоровья!

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В 2017 году этот день проходит под девизом: "Депрессия. Давай поговорим!"  ДЕПРЕССИЯ Это нормально, чувствовать грусть время от времени, но если подавленное настроение сопутствует вам день за днем, это может свидетельствовать о депрессии. Депрессивный эпизод — это состояние печали…



Мар, 2017

Do not allow fires in the forest

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Do not allow fires in the forest! Every year, a large number of forest fires in the country occurs due to careless handling of people with fire or non-compliance with fire safety rules. In 2016, 319 forest fires were recorded in the territory of the Republic of Belarus (covering 251 hectares), 58 of which occurred in the Minsk region. 98% of fires in natural ecosystems occur due to human fault.…



Мар, 2017

Не допускайте пожаров в лесу!

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Не допускайте пожаров в лесу! Ежегодно большое количество лесных пожаров в республике возникает по причине неосторожного обращения людей с огнем или несоблюдения ими правил пожарной безопасности. В 2016 году на территории Республики Беларусь зарегистрировано 319 лесных пожаров (охвативших 251…



Мар, 2017

Children’s contest «Medicine through the eyes of children»

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DEAR COLLEAGUES! The trade Union Committee invites Your children to participate in the children drawing contest "Medicine through the eyes of children". To participate in the contest, the works of children from 4 to 14 years old in size 4, made in any technique in the following categories: "Medicine is my calling!" "Mom, dad, I'm medical family!"  Medicine of the future "I want to be a doctor!" "Doctor I'm not…



Мар, 2017

Gently ticks!

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Tick-borne encephalitis is an infectious disease that affects the Central and peripheral nervous system. This disease is dangerous paralysis, and in some cases ends in death. Carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, ixodic ticks inhabit almost the whole territory of Belarus. Effective today, the day of treatment for encephalitis do not exist, so the only sure way to protect yourself and loved ones from the disease – vaccination. The vaccine against tick-borne…



Мар, 2017

Screening of colon cancer

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In Belarus, as in economically developed countries, colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors. The increase in the incidence starts from the age of 45, incidence peaks at age 75-79 years. Risk factors that can lead…



Мар, 2017

Winter spring meet

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No, don't think that I'll write about the day of lovers, 14th February or 15th of February, when it has long been believed that the winter and spring meet. I want to talk about the celebration of the Day of defenders of the Fatherland and the 8th of March in Uzda CRH. Despite the fact that the percentage of women and men in the team of 80 to 20, and…



Мар, 2017

Our teachers

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10 March in Uzda district Palace of culture was crowded and fun. Undermine honored its veterans. The veterans ' movement began its history in the former Soviet Union in December 1986. The main activities of the veteran's organization —…
